The bead work is done in outline of body and neck part. The body part is designed by using gold and blue color jamikkis. The feather part is finished with green kundans and tambour stitch by using silk and zari thread.
This is an Elegant Bead Work. The neckline is worked by using No.2,4 Balls and Sugar beads. The Buttas are done by using No.5 Balls. The same design is followed in sleeve portion.
This is a beautiful Butterfly Motif. The outline is covered by using Beads. The inner portion is filled by using Loading stitch. The body part is worked by using Zardosi. The outer layer is done by using Chain stitch.
This is a Simple Neck Design. It is designed by using White Triangle and Round Stones. The circle is designed in the centre portion of the back neckline. This is an edited image. The original will be posted in the next post.
Here's the colourful Patchwork done by using Silkthread, Balls, Mirror and Jamikki. In this patch, the thread work is done by using Buttonhole filling stitch. The centre portion is done by using 1 inch mirror and loading stitch in zari thread. Various size of balls are used in this patch. In between the Ball and Jamikki work, Long French knot is used in blue colour silk thread.
This is the beautiful bead work. In this, the square shape golden stone is used. The sugar beads are used in boxes. The boxes are filled with French knot. Finally, the half pearl and sugar beads are used. In the sleeve portion, the same design is followed and the buttas are used. The front neck is same as the back neck.